Gone are the days of worrying about carrying your individual, wallet-sized Training Verification Card (TVC) to present to potential employers! The Carpenters International Training Fund (CITF) is excited to provide our membership with the ease of accessing your TVC via the ‘UBC Mobile’ app.
If you’re not already familiar with the TVC, the UBC’s CITF provides real-time training, certification, and qualification reports for UBC members through the TVC, helping members track their current training. In addition, the TVC also includes member’s name, UBC ID number, local union, craft, classification (journeyman, apprentice), status, and paid through date. The UBC Mobile App feature provides each member with access to their up-to-date training and certifications/qualifications report with the click of a button.
To access the mobile version of your TVC, download the “UBC Mobile” app if you don’t already have it (links below). Once the UBC Mobile app is downloaded and open, it will ask you for your member login credentials. Once logged in, click the ‘TVC’ button at the bottom of your screen. One scan of the code on the screen gives employers a report from a database that is updated as soon as a member completes a course or earns a certification/qualification. When the red text “See Training Records” button is selected, the members individual up-to-date training report will appear on the mobile screen for quick and easy access.
Please contact your Local UBC Training Center with any questions on this program. CLICK HERE for a directory of UBC-affiliated Training Centers.
If you do not have the “UBC Mobile” app downloaded yet:
CLICK HERE to download the app from the Google Play Store for Android devices.
CLICK HERE to download the app from the Apple App Store for iOS devices.