Looking to expand their outreach, the SIB committee created a new flyer for placement at the apprenticeship school in Millbury, MA (yellow and black). The location is ideal because it is visited by apprentices from all parts of the NERCC. Information is included for connecting directly with SIB committee members and through social media.
The SIB committee also created a new outreach flyer that invites women to attend the NERCC’s monthly apprenticeship information sessions (red and black). Several things make these flyers especially unique:
• There are different flyers for the five locations that hold apprenticeship information sessions – each contains the name of a local SIB member as the contact
• There are two versions of the flyer – one in English and one in Spanish
• Each flyer includes photos of female members – the Spanish flyer has photos of all Latina members
The Sisters are feeling good about these new outreach flyers and looking forward to seeing some positive recruitment results.